All submissions to Sudanese Physiological Society Journal are online through ‘SPS Journal Page’ at ‘’. All authors and co-authors must provide details such as their full names, designation, mailing address, telephone/cell numbers and email addresses on undertaking certificate (author certificate) as well as in Metadata. The undertaking certificate will be signed by all the authors and the sequence/order of authors on the certificate once submitted shall not be changed at any stage. Undertaking certificate can be downloaded from ‘make a submission’ page. It is mandatory to provide approval letter of institutional review board/ethical review committee or exemption thereof with all the research articles. Dissertation/thesis approval letter from relevant authority is also acceptable.
After the manuscript is received it undergoes preliminary editorial review. Decision whether the manuscript will be processed for publication or it is unsuitable for publication in SPSJ will be intimated to the corresponding author. Manuscripts found suitable for publication undergo peer review process which may take variable time depending upon the Reviewers’ response (usually minimum two weeks to four months). Each manuscript is sent to at least two peer reviewers. Suggestions given by the peer reviewers are intimated to the corresponding author for necessary corrections. After this, the manuscript undergoes final editorial review and the composing process.
The processed manuscript is sent to the corresponding author for proof reading before declaring it ‘camera-ready’. When the manuscript is considered fit for publication, an email is sent to the corresponding author to submit a nominal publication fee to cover the cost of publishing. After receipt of the publication fee, letter of acceptance is issued and the manuscript is placed in queue for publication. The average time taken from submission to publication is approximately six months, depending upon the response from peer reviewers and authors.