Sudanese Physiological Society Journal follows double blind peer review process. Each manuscript is sent to at least two peer reviewers of the specialty to which the original article belongs. Usually only a single manuscript is sent to any reviewer at a time. The editors do not serve as peer reviewers. The manuscript is sent to a third reviewer in case any of the reviewers declares it unfit for publication. In case of conflict or disputed articles, the matter is discussed with the Chief Editor and finally to a third-party ombudsman as nominated by the Chief Editor. Authors have the right to inform the editor about the reviewers to whom their manuscript may not be sent for review.
Sudanese Physiological Society Journal follows double blind peer review process. Each manuscript is sent to at least two peer reviewers of the specialty to which the original article belongs. Usually only a single manuscript is sent to any reviewer at a time. The editors do not serve as peer reviewers. The manuscript is sent to a third reviewer in case any of the reviewers declares it unfit for publication. In case of conflict or disputed articles, the matter is discussed with the Chief Editor and finally to a third-party ombudsman as nominated by the Chief Editor. Authors have the right to inform the editor about the reviewers to whom their manuscript may not be sent for review.