General instructions

  1. The manuscript should be composed of a single Microsoft Word file with tables and figures placed at appropriate places within the text instead of putting at the end.
  2. The text should be single-spaced, single column in Times New Roman font and 12-point font size.
  3. Manuscripts should be written in English in British or American style/format (same style should be followed throughout the whole text), in past tense and third person form of address.
  4. Sentences should not start with a number or figure.
  5. Present decimal figures up to 2 decimals only, e.g., 0.07 instead of 0.071.
  6. Use the full form of an abbreviation initially in the text before using the abbreviated form.
  7. Avoid capitalization except where it is grammatically required and for proper nouns.
  8. Inappropriately long or short sentences should be avoided
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